Cooling Towers/Chilled Loop Chemical Water Treatment
Aqua-Treat Inc. designs customized systems to suit your needs in order to prevent legionairre’s development and maximize efficiency of your cooling towers and corrosion control protection of your chilled loop systems.
Design systems to prevent legionairre’s disease and maximize efficiency in cooling towers/chilled loop systems.
Steam and Hot Water Boiler Chemical Treatment
Aqua-Treat Inc. utilizes specific chemical treatment programs to optimize heating efficiency, corrosion control protection against pitting, and oxygen control. We are a lead service provider for condensing boilers that require PH specific chemical for aluminum and stainless steel heat exchangers.
Supply Hot Water and Steam Boiler chemical treatment programs to optimize heating efficiency while providing corrosion control protection.
New Construction and Domestic Water Main Sterilization
Aqua-Treat Inc is a trusted service provider for domestic water sterilizations in new construction buildings both residential and commercial. We work with mechanical contractors and city water departments alike to sanitize and sterilize new water mains or drinking water piping. We work with national and local labs providing quick turnaround results for legionella testing, water sampling, etc.
Treatment of Water Softening Systems
Hard water, Rust, or Poor Water Quality can cause corrosion and over time damage to Steam Boilers and Domestic Boilers. Aqua-Treat will work with you to design a water quality program best suited for your needs including water softeners, testing of systems, and softener salt delivery.
Glycol Installation and Testing for Commercial Applications
We are suppliers of industrial grade propylene and ethylene glycol for commercial applications. We are a full service company furnishing glycol for new and existing buildings. Administering Automatic Glycol Feeder equipment and follow up testing of freeze point and PH.